"We must repeal the Climate Change Act to secure London and the Country's future" says Tony Brown, the LPUK candidate for Mayor of London.
All the major parties are pursuing what Tony says is an economically disastrous programme of prohibitions, quotas and compulsions which will not 'save the planet' but will destroy our standard of living and massively reduce our choices and quality of life. "They are forcing us to adopt inefficient, more costly technology such as heat pumps and EVs which represent a step backwards at massive cost. So Londoners will now be able to vote for someone committed to putting a stop to this by campaigning to repeal the Climate Change Act and liberate Londoners to once again be free to choose."
Mr Brown says he is not against people choosing these green technologies but what he profoundly opposes is compulsion. "It is frankly Green fascism. And the ULEZ is a perfect example - and, if able to do so, I will shut it down on day one."
Mr Brown also wants to address the chronic shortage of housing and parking in London. Having lived and worked in the European Parliament for ten years, he wants to emulate the excellent system of underground garages and car parking found all over Brussels. He would also seek to introduce an automatic presumption in favour of housing development especially on brownfield sites and for the conversion of no longer viable commercial, industrial and retail property into housing. "The experience of covid shows we have too much commercial property and far too little housing."
"Unlike the economically illiterate Sadiq Khan or the green fellow-travelling Tories, I am literally the only candidate offering a practical programme to maintain Londoners' quality of life and freedom of choice, and to address the massively damaging chronic shortage of housing people can afford."
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.
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