Robert Booth Socialist Affairs Correspondent in one of the most hate filled piece posing as journalism was published by the Guardian, the public sector’s favourite organ of propaganda.
Read in full here
Booth attacks the Taxpayers Alliance for having the temerity to attack the proposal to extend the four day week by a District Council as Right WingIf Council Employees want a four day week , take a 20% pay cut ! No they are expecting to work 20% less for the same remuneration, pension entitlement etc , which unless I am as economically illiterate as Booth clearly is, a 20% pay increase.
This is a sector that ‘worked’ from home during the plague debacle on full pay , and nearly two years on still cannot be ‘persuaded’ to go back to their desks full time , leaving expensive office space unoccupied and available to the public who are footing the bill. Their plague holiday was largely funded by printed money that everybody is now paying for in increased living costs and higher taxes.
Many in the private sector lost their jobs and business over the two years 2020-2022 , Booth why not ask them whether they think this four day week plan is ‘right wing ‘ ? Or just plain unjust and outrageous.Socialism is predicated on living off somebody else’s capital and confiscated wealth. Non payment of the ‘rates’ is guaranteed to having you ending up in Court.In 2008 this same alleged newspaper reported that councils, the Police and charities lost £1bn in the Icelandic Banking Collapse.
As a councillor at the time I along with colleagues took my local District Council to task as to why they had ‘invested ‘ in an Icelandic bank which under the then rules had to be inside the EU and instantly convertible to cash. Iceland was outside the EU and the funds were on long term periods. Needless to say the economic illiterates were not sacked for gross incompetence or acting ‘ultra vires’ .
Two years later after the Icelandic bank bosses were jailed my district council was still showing their loss as an asset not as bad and doubtful to be written off.The public servant concerned smugly said public authorities had different accounting practices to the rest of the economy. Clearly !
And yes I noticed a copy of the Guardian on his desk.
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.
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