I am NOT a fan of Russell Brand. To me, the word “comedian” is a complete misnomer when applied to him. His stunt with Jonathan Ross involving Andrew Sachs and his granddaughter was one I found to be in extremely poor taste to say the least.
However, I do sympathise with him over the loss of his lucrative book deal, his agent, and now his complete tour. His Netflix shows have also been pulled - over allegations that as yet have not led to a criminal charge.
Kevin Spacey’s whole career was ruined over allegations made about him. He then won the court case. But what are the chances of things ever being the same again?
I hope that all of you who were preaching “be kind” when Caroline Flack killed herself over allegations of abuse remember that we are supposed to have a culture of “innocent until proven guilty”. This hounding people by mainstream media or via various social media platforms is horrific.
The despicable media witch hunt (which has already decided Brand is guilty) has gloatingly spent the last few days revealing details of his properties, which in turn exposes his wife and children - his address, photos of his house, etc.
What do you think they expect the result of that to be?
The police are the people to approach with allegations of criminal wrongdoing, not the press – and preferably immediately after the event, not 17 years later. I don’t often call for new laws, but a tweak to protect those who have not yet been found guilty in a world where communication is so easy, quick and far-reaching seems long overdue.
If he then is proved to be guilty, that is the time for the media to be involved, but even then, the guilt should not be extended to his innocent family.
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.
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