Congratulations to George Osborne on his wedding. It’s so exciting to know he has married someone who he gave a 42% pay rise to when he had a pay freeze in place for the civil service. But then, he didn’t have to pay for it, did he?
The Former Chancellor has now called in police to investigate alleged online harassment after a so-called ‘poison pen’ email was sent to guests due to attend his wedding. Can you imagine the police investigating a poison pen letter for a normal member of the public? They don't even bother investigating burglary or mugging for us normal people. “Your car is gone – here’s a crime number”.
The Telegraph reported on him “flipping” his designated main address whilst he was in Parliament, enabling him to make over £1m in profit but he did not have to pay capital gains tax as it was all within the rules.
The contents of the letter? Allegedly, a possible accusation of rape and another of his being a sexual predator of a 16-year-old girl?
Under his Chancellorship came the hated “austerity”, but it was, as ever, only austerity for the many, not the few. Ordinary people saw front-line services withdrawn whilst the size and cost of government grew every single year.
If he’d been asked for a list of people who might want to have tried to spoil his day, there’d have been no wedding. He’d still be writing names.
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.
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