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Screenshot of climate change data

Exposed: The Climate Change MYTH and How They're Manipulating YOU! Dive Deep into the Real Stats!

July 25, 20231 min read


As with CoVid, by fiddling with the statistics in order to exaggerate the magnitude of the problem - aided in this instance, as we've all seen, by TV weather reporters switching from employing traditional mellow orange as the colour to indicate temperatures above 25 degrees centigrade to a more devilishly alarming inferno dark red.

Interestingly, between 1998 and 2012 there was NO RECORDED RISE in the Earth's surface temperature - despite these being boom years for greenhouse gas-pumping Western economies, and during which China and India continued apace with their rapid and relentless industrialisation.

Of course, as this report points out, "The long-term trend - change over the course of a century or more - is what defines 'global warming', not the change from year to year or even decade to decade. Rising emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases since the Industrial Revolution explain most of the overall warming trend over the past century, and the rate of emissions has not slowed significantly in the recent past."

To which I'd only note that if you want to spot truly 'long term' trends then let's examine those temperature records over several centuries, and even millennia - NOT just one particular century that happens to align with the climate alarmists' prophesies of impending doom. And, as soon becomes obvious from studying polar ice cores, the Earth has significantly warmed and cooled many times over the last few millennia without any intervention at all from human beings.

Ray Burston - former Conservative Councillor

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