Born in the midlands, this was a success story that filled the gap on the High Street that those of us of a certain age remember as Woolworth.
The theorists are already in full flow, with the pandemic, the cost-of-living crisis and a myriad of other factors being blamed.
Well, Wilko managed to get itself classed as an “essential retailer” in the lockdowns, with queues stretching down the street, so I don’t buy that one.
The biggest factor that people are talking about in my area is the company switching to self-service tills.
Automation may be fine for some customers in a hurry, but it seems the vast majority like to trade a few words with the cashier.
The management team at Wilko were badly advised if they thought a move towards a card-only society was imminent.
Capitalism works at this level, new entrants come in and take the place of the incompetent and old.
If only this applied to the big banks, who ran to the taxpayer via Gordon Brown to nationalise their losses via bailouts they can’t get back.
Maybe Wilko would have been wiser to remember their origins and their first trading name over ninety years ago; “Wilkinson Cash Stores”.
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