Have you ever wondered why the headlong rush to make everything “carbon neutral” by the year 2050? Well, the weather is changing – of that there is no doubt, but whether man is to blame is another matter. For a start, it’s a lot cooler than the early Middle Ages. But for the narrative now, it’s getting warmer. Not in the last week, of course, when it’s done nothing but rain. It’s the first time I’ve had to light the fire on August the 1st that I can remember, but I digress…
It’s not Westminster in charge here, though. For the instigators of this drive to force you out of your cars at a pace which exceeds the available technology, look no further than those unelected tyrants in Brussels and Strasbourg, the European Union. Their Climate Action paper states, “The European Green Deal aims to make Europe climate neutral by 2050. To make this objective legally binding, the Commission proposed the European Climate Law, which also sets a new, more ambitious net greenhouse gas emissions reduction target of at least -55% by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.”
They seek to make Europe the first continent to carbon neutrality. I have a hunch it will be the only continent to get remotely close. The will to even try just isn’t there in places like China and Russia, Africa and South America are currently developing more industry, not less, and the USA is hesitant to commit to it wholeheartedly due to the great rivalry with China. Whether or not it signs treaties such as the UN Framework Convention of Climate Change (UNFCCC) and its Paris Agreement is largely irrelevant.
With just six and a half years to go before the ban on petrol and diesel cars, the promised mega gigawatt battery factories have yet to be built. Any lack of availability will be met by the consumer, who will be hit by higher prices as demand outstrips supply. The second-hand car market will go through the roof and yes, many will be forced out of their cars.
Again, look no further than Brussels for the madness of HS2. Theirs was the blueprint and theirs the specifications. Had it just been about increasing capacity, the Great Central Line could have been reopened at a tiny fraction of the cost, but the tunnels were too narrow for EU specifications.
Did you think we left the EU? Think again. That’s UK democracy for you. The Globalist factor is another thing altogether. For now, our priority as a nation is to learn to think for ourselves and not blindly follow any EU edict that our unelected Prime Minister (and no doubt his opposite number, the Knight of the Realm) blindly follow like a sightless puppy on a lead.
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.
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