Tories show Londoners they don't care says London Libertarian Candidate
"The final kings Speech does absolutely nothing for London, indeed it makes things worse for Londoners" says Tony Brown, the LPUK candidate for Mayor of London.
"Rishi Sunak has blown the chance to do anything to help Londoners with their housing and cost of living crises. There are no Tory measures in the final legislative session which will provide more housing, which will end the war on London's motorists or which will help with London's financial difficulties." explains Tony.
"I call upon the government to stop making things worse and facilitating mayor Khan's economic war upon the City. Sunak could have legislated to help office conversion to housing by relaxing planning rules, speeding up conversion permissions and creating a presumption in favour of the switch with permission granted automatically - unless there is some significant, hidden downside. Instead the foolish, ignorant Gove will reduce the amount of housing, especially more affordable housing", Tony says.
"The only way to ease London's massive, housing crisis is to either build more, convert more or incentivise landlords to make more rentals available. The Tories could very easily have done any of those things but no, Gove's bill on renting will cause there to be even less housing, by making life more expensive and more difficult for landlords. Gove shows that for a supposedly clever man, he knows little of how markets work. If you constantly clobber landlords with extra expense, more bureaucracy and make it more difficult for them to make money from their rentals, then many will stop being landlords which means fewer homes for Londoners.
"Unlike the economically illiterate Sadiq Khan or the green fellow-travelling Tories, I am literally the only candidate offering a practical programme to maintain Londoners' quality of life and freedom of choice, and to address the massively damaging chronic shortage of housing people can afford." says Libertarian Tony
The man who trades freedom for security does not deserve nor will he ever receive either.
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